Most people have a hobby or interest in a subject that they are knowledgeable and passionate about. Launching your own blog doesn’t require a great deal of technical or computer skills.

If you’re passionate about writing and feel strongly about certain subjects, you can type your way to riches by creating your own blog. Many moms blog daily about their children or pets or favorite recipes and turn their daily activities into a very lucrative business. Many people have hobbies they can share with others with tips and tricks to make those hobbies more productive and enjoyable. Other people have political opinions or other ideas they like to share. The main idea is to create interesting content. The important thing is to realize who your audience is and give them information they enjoy and can use.






You can blog about almost anything, any topic that has a demand. Try to stick to a single topic to build authority and attract readers. Write about things that you know about and that you are passionate about. Look for niches that are unusual and not many people are writing about.


Some of the most popular types of blogs are: Health and fitness blogs, Food Blogs, Travel Blogs, Music Blogs, Fashion and beauty blogs, Fitness Blogs, DIY craft blogs, Sports Blogs, Personal blogs, Lifestyle blogs, Photography blogs, finance, Education, Mom/Dad – Parenting Blogs,

Gaming News and Gaming Blogs, Tech: Blogs about technology, Home Decor, Homeschooling, Movie & TV Reviews, Politics, Social Media, Weddings, Cryptocurrency, Product Reviews, How-to Guides/Tutorials, just to name a few. 

There are so many subjects to blog about, the possibilities are limitless.




Some help in finding blog name ideas:


1. Don’t pick a name that’s hard to remember or hard to spell.

2. Use your name.

3. Pick a keyword that is associated with your niche.

4. Use a Dictionay or Thesaurus.

5. Use Alliteration for catchy names.

6. Use abbreviations or acronyms.

7. Create a Portmanteau – a word whose form and meaning are obtained from a blending of two or more distinct words (such as smoke and fog = smog or breakfast and lunch = brunch).

8. You are much better off choosing .com as a domain extension, rather than other extensions i.e. .net, .org, etc.



CHOOSE FROM SEVERAL PLATFORMS – SOME ARE FREE AND SOME ARE PAID – free with many hosting services – Best overall.

Wix – is great is easier to use without any technical expertise


LinkedIn – Good for networking.






No, there are a lot of free platforms out there. If you are on a limited budget, that may be the way to go. The good thing is that if you’re on a budget, there’s an abundance of good cheap web hosting available. Another difference between free and paid hosting is with most paid hosting, you get a lot of included features (extra disk storage, data transfer, more email accounts,  additional websites, etc.). 


Also free websites may not be as reliable or as secure, and you may get limited access to customer support. Sometimes, free hosting sites may not be the best choice. With paid hosting, you should plan to spend anywhere between $50 and $200 getting your blog set up. Your monthly costs should run around $20 to $60 per month. However, it really depends on what kind of blog you want, and what your long-term goals are.




To get ideas for your blog, you can check out what people are talking about on social media i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Write and publish your first post. Share your ideas with the world. That’s the fun part! Be creative, express your ideas to your audience. Writing a blog can be fun and exciting. Write compelling content to create a blog that your readers love. Create a posting schedule and try to post regularly. 

Become familiar with SEO, it will help people find your blog and your posts. Plan for the future. Keep improving and growing your blog. You may want to branch out later, maybe into podcasts or making youtube videos

After you’ve built an audience, you can make money (known as
monetizing your blog) by promoting affiliate products or by selling
advertising space on your webpage, either through Adsense or
private companies. Another way to make money from a blog is by
creating your own online course or products. I have written a article
Click here for that article.



I hope you enjoyed this article. I hope I’ve captured your imagination and made you seriously interested in starting a blog Thank you for reading and please send in any comments or questions and please share this site with your friends.

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